Remembering Our 1.5 Million Loved Ones
Who Perished In The Armenian Genocide
April 24, 2015 marked the centennial commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.
As Armenians in Texas, we took the powerful opportunity to increase our own and our state’s awareness of this historic occasion. As the world mourns other genocides across the globe, our 100th commemoration of the Armenian Genocide was timely and relevant.
Genocide survivors suffered and sacrificed to give many of us the opportunities we have today in the USA. In April 2015, we made the best of the collective opportunity to honor our forefathers, remember the tragic history of our people, and publicly remind Texas why genocide is an atrocity.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Armenians from Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and throughout Texas marched to the Texas State Capitol in Austin
Gathering at 12 noon
First United Methodist Church Family Life Center
1300 Lavaca Street, Austin, Texas 78701
March to the Capitol at 1pm
Program at the Capitol steps following the march